Every patient will be comprehensively assessed and given a personalised treatment plan
Some examples of the treatments used include:
Joint mobilisations - this technique can be performed on most joints in the body, the main function of joint mobilisations is to enhance movement to reduce stiffness and pain. The most common joints this technique is used for is the spine, shoulder and ankle
Shockwave Therapy - Extracorporeal Radial Shockwave Therapy is a new treatment backed by good research which aims to stimulate healing & tissue remodelling in addition to reducing pain. It does this by applying a mechanical energy force into the tissue, most commonly used on tendon injuries such as tennis elbow, shoulder tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis
Dry needling - this treatment helps reduce the tension in tight muscles. It involves inserting a single use sterile fine needles into a ‘trigger point’ of the muscle (taut band of tissue). It can be very effective in reducing muscle pain and improving range of movement.
Soft-tissue techniques- various soft tissue techniques are used to reduce pain, normalise muscle tone or aid recovery. For example, sports massage or deep transverse friction massage
Sports strapping & proprioceptive taping - these techniques can very useful in the early stages of an injury to help off-load a painful structure. They can also be used to prevent injuries prior to activity
Biomechanical Assessment & Orthotic Prescription - both stock device and custom insoles can be prescribed in the clinic. For custom insoles, a detailed gait analysis is carried out followed by a casting of the clients feet. Correctly prescribed orthotics can reduce pain and improve function when walking or running
Electrotherapy - Therapeutic ultrasound uses sound waves to pass mechanical energy into tissues which can stimulate healing at different stages of the recovery process. EMS (electrical muscle stimulation) can be used to assist with muscle activation in the early stages of rehabilitation.
Exercise therapy - each client is given a personalised exercise program which will include videos explaining each of the exercises prescribed during the session